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WI School Choice Programs

Notice of Educational Rights

Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 115.28 (54m), notice must be provided regarding the educational options available to all students who are at least three years old, but not yet 18 years old. View educational options for Wisconsin students.


Why choose a Christian education?

Too often Christian education is regarded as an alternative for parents to shelter or protect children from something. Nothing could be further from the truth. Christian education is entirely about exposure. Christian education is an opportunity to continually and constantly expose children to God's saving Word. Through daily Bible study, devotions, discussion, prayer and memory work children are exposed to the love of God displayed in Jesus.

These words that I am commanding you today are to be on your heart. Teach them diligently to your children, and speak about them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)

How is this school different from other schools?

Christian education at St. Mark Lutheran School provides true wisdom. Students are guided to see that important questions like: "Who am I?" and "What is my purpose?" are not answered with worldly sources or inner reflection. The answers to these questions are found in the Bible. Students are taught that real purpose comes from knowing they are a redeemed child of God through Jesus' work as their Savior from sin and serving God and sharing the love of Jesus with others.

Psalm 111:10 -- "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

Is your school accredited?

Yes, we are! In 2014, we received our accreditation through WELSSA. Accreditation means that we have demonstrated that we meet and exceed the standards that parents and educators expect from a high-quality school. These standards range from curriculum to school administration. If you have questions about accreditation or our standards, please ask Mr. Micheel.

How do you prepare students for high school and beyond?

It has been said that the goal of parents is to work themselves out of a job. The same can be said for teachers and schools. At some point, children become adults and students graduate. A solid Christian foundation is essential for this life transition. A Christian education strengthens and reinforces the foundation being laid in Christian homes. Family and school, parents and teachers work together to build a foundation on Christ.

Dedicate a child to the way he should go, and even when he becomes old, he will not turn away from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

What technology is in the classroom?

Our 1:1 technology program provides each child in grades 3-8 the school use of Chromebooks. Our younger classrooms also have computers to allow children access to educational tools and to give the opportunity for keyboarding practice. In addition, we have interactive flat panels which are so much more engaging than the black or green chalkboards we may have had in class.

Early Childhood

What age can my child begin at St. Mark?

We enroll children who are four years old by September 1. Preschool is offered in the mornings on Monday through Thursday mornings.

Do you offer full or half day kindergarten?

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, we will only offer caregivers full-day Kindergarten for their children. Full-day Kindergarten starts at 8:25 AM and ends at 3:25 PM.


How much is tuition?

We realize that tuition and fees can be a critical issue in choosing a private Christian school. At St. Mark Lutheran School, we try to find the right balance so that we can provide a quality education with reasonable tuition. To meet the needs of our families we offer member and multi-child discounts. We also offer a tuition assistance program to families who are unable to afford the tuition for our members. In addition, to make the payments as easy as possible, we also offer flexible payment plans. Please speak with our school office to learn what these options might be.

How do I make a payment?

You may pay in full or sign up with TADS tuition payment program. TADS can accept credit card payment (for an extra fee) or arrange monthly withdrawals from your checking account.

Do you offer tuition assistance?

Every student at St. Mark Lutheran School receives tuition assistance from the congregation in the sense that the tuition charged is much less than the actual cost of the education received. The congregation subsidizes the school as its primary mission work.

We recognize that God does not provide all families with the same financial resources; some families may not be able to afford the cost of tuition. We also recognize that as a congregation we are a family. Therefore, as a congregation family, we have made a commitment that our member children (and prospective families actively seeking fellowship in our congregation) will receive tuition assistance. Non-members may speak to the principal about their payment options.

Is St. Mark part of the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program?

Yes, St. Mark joined the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program in the fall of 2021.  Families that qualify financially may apply to St. Mark during the Open Registration period from early February to mid-April each year.  Those who are approved qualify for a voucher and may attend St. Mark for free.

For more information, please click on the following LINK.  You may also contact the St. Mark principal for further details about School Choice.

Is St. Mark part of the Special Needs Scholarship Program?

Yes, St. Mark also joined the Special Needs Scholarship Program in the fall of 2021.  Students who have a current Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a current Individualized Service Plan (ISP) may apply at any point in the school year for a voucher to attend St. Mark.

For more information, please click on the following LINK.  You may also contact the St. Mark principal for further details about the SNSP.


Do you have to be a member of the church?

No, you do not have to be a member of our church to send your child to our school. We would love to have you join both our school and our church families. Since we want to be transparent with you to know what we teach, we ask our new parents to join us for a short Bible Information Class (BIC), about what we believe and teach as a congregation and school.

How to do you provide a safe environment?

We live in a world full of dangers. At St. Mark Lutheran School, we strive to provide safety for our children through typical 21st-century ways including keycards for entry doors, camera systems, lockdowns drills, First Aid, CPR, AED training, etc. Perhaps more importantly, one of the blessings of a smaller school is that parents, faculty, and staff get to know each other. We aren't just masses of strangers dropping off children and driving off or just passing by in the halls. We know each other and look out for each other. Also, all adults who work and volunteer with our children undergo background checks and provide reference checks. We want your children to be as safe as our children.

Do you offer before or after school care?

Yes, we do! Our before school program opens at 7 AM. Our after school program is available until 5:30 PM. Learn more and register.

school building

St. Mark Lutheran School nurtures children in faith and intellect, equipping them for Christian lives of service. We strive to provide our students with opportunities to develop mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually in a Christ-centered and family-friendly environment. The training we offer not only builds a foundation for success in school and life but also instills a firm foundation in God's Word and solid faith in their Savior, Jesus Christ.

The mission of St. Mark Lutheran School is to assist parents, both in the congregation and community, in providing their children a Christ-centered education, preparing them for life with their Savior here on earth and eternally in heaven.

School principal

School Prinicpal:

Peter Micheel


About Peter Micheel

Mr. Micheel is serving his Lord in his 31st year in the teaching ministry. He has previously served as an emergency teacher to the Apache mission at East Fork, Arizona, principal and grades 3-8 teacher at Christ Lutheran in Grand Island, Nebraska, and principal and grades 5-8 teacher at Trinity Lutheran in Minocqua, Wisconsin. In addition to serving as principal, Mr. Micheel teaches several classes in grades 5-8. He also enjoys participating in the St. Mark worship choir.

Peter and his wife, Leah, enjoy living in Eau Claire. Leah, serves as the Before School Care supervisor and serves as an aide in the Kindergarten classroom.  God has blessed them with four children. Their oldest, Joseph, lives in Minneapolis and works in auditing for the accounting firm Ernst & Young. Their oldest daughter, Abby, is a Senior at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota, and is double majoring in elementary and special education.  Their younger daughter, Jillian, is a beautician at Saxy's Salon in Eau Claire. Their youngest child, Noah, is a senior at Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, Wisconsin.

Peter earned a Bachelor's Degree in education at Dr. Martin Luther College in 1994. He also received a Master's Degree in Elementary Education Grades K-6 from the University of Nebraska at Kearney in 2000. Peter enjoys camping in the beautiful state parks of Wisconsin.

"I truly consider it a privilege to serve as the principal and a teacher at St. Mark Lutheran School. Throughout my teaching ministry, I have been blessed to serve God's people as they entrust their most precious earthly treasures, their children, to our care at our cherished schools. Seeing students grow in their faith as they study Luther's Catechism and the vital doctrines the Bible teaches gives me special encouragement knowing the Holy Spirit works through God's Word and connects our students to their Savior, Jesus. If you would like to learn more about St. Mark, I would gladly welcome your contact. Our school is Christ-centered and prepares students for eternity!"


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